The Pontiac Daily Leader from Pontiac, Illinois (2024)

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The Pontiac Daily Leaderi

Pontiac, Illinois

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'If r'w BEBEL SHELLS ISSUES WORLD May fairies Shmti' (MVWt TRUDE CENSUS NORMOUS INTEREST ON DEBT ASKS MINISTERTO INTERCEDE TO INVESTIGATE TELEPHONE I Tie Tun of tie Tide Jhr'owa Indebtedness cur TRUCK STORE LAW tS INVALID ORMER GOVERNOR OSTER DIES ent pain was not wiooQ 11 Pri ror American or art 1 might bejtheysay only tiro Wino 'which he knurr at Icaitwerp geauina OIL EXPLOSION KILLS WOMAN LEE IS AT HEAD VETERANS WEEK'S ORECAST It DENIES PAPAL EDICT ON GOWNS and Spata 911072 Argentina Jan rt "WaU CharUe wo have tried fr Wonsr SmtU'mnaC nr commonwealth of Australia Portugal 016102 ranca of the world The all countries and Messenger to Mr Powell rom Gen Navarro la Arrested by Govem ment Authorities Who Confiscate 'Communication and Send Him Back' Asks Appropriation to Test easibility of Its Use in Communicating Special Delivery Messages Along the Rural Routes Expenses Increase To Nominate Coadjutor 4 Ogdensburg Jan? 11 It la announced that the Ogdensburg dek egate to the coming convention to name a coadjutor Biahop William Crosswell Doane of Albany will pre sent the name of James Dow Morri son' bishop' of Duluth ILLINOIS CENTRALROAD MAKES GOOD SHOWING Chicago Board of Trade Chicago Jan 9 Quotations on the board of trade today: Governmental Expenditures Are in Excess ofthe Total Pop ulation of the Globe Is Approximato ly 1600000JXX) Mother 'Jones Has Typhoid 'Trinidad Colo an rone the labor agitator who has been lying fll at a hotel in this city from7 typhoid fever and who Is now threatened with pneumonia has been removed to the hospital Secretary of the Treasury Under Pres ident Harrison Passes Away Springfield Ohio Jan ormer Governor Charles oster who was secretary of the treasury under Presi dent Harrison died at the residence of Gen Warren Keifer In this city Saturday morning at 11:30 o'clock from the effects of cerebral hemor He was 76 years old and is survived by his widow and bis daugh ter He was attacked riday night while sitting in the library of Gen Keifer He never regained consciousness and did not recognize his daughter when she arrived from her home in ostoria Ohio Richard 8 airchild Veteran Steam boat Man Ends Life at St Louis SL Louis Mo Jan One of the Oldest steamboat men in the west Captain Richard airchild commit ted suicide at the home of his son He took his life with a butcher knife Captain airchild was born at Law renceburg Ind In 1843 and during the civil war he whs in the ederal Service as engineer on different trans ports Several years ago "he retired from the river on account of poor health He was well known on both the Ohio and Mississippi rivers DAY OLD HAPPENINGS BRIELY SUMMARIZED Marines Use Razor in ight Norfolk Va4 Jan in a fight be tween navy yard machinists and ma rines at' the Portsmouth ferry Law son Cuddy and Joe lynn 'machinists were probably fatally slashed wlth a Acme Company to Resume V' Peoria lllt Jan 11 The creditors committee of the Acme Harvester company'against bankruptcy proceedings were recently instituted after' a' thorough Inspectionof the property has ordered the works' to resume operations Employment will be given 700 men ire ighter Is Killed Plymouth Mass Jan ire de stroyed Odd ellows' block with a loss on the buildings and to the ten ants of more than 980000 ire Cap tain Eddy Was killed while fighting the fire In the basem*nt where originated from the furnace Ian the six children who Miss ErUne Sinclair in a pond near' the Parks school In Cass township Dec 8 pleaded guilty to rioting and were fined 95 and costs each: Portuguese Ambassador to Vatican Says Report la Erroneous Rome Jan Martins Antas Portuguese ambassador to the Vatican and dean of the diplomatic corps says that the report Pope Pius has charged him to forbid women to wbar decollete gowns at receptions which are attended by cardinals and other prelate is erroneous Ambassa dor Antas says that helast saw the pope on Dec" 97 when be called to pay his ho)idaygreettagsf and that his holiness1 without giving injunctions or even recommendations and more as a Joke than otherwise said It was desiranie that the gowns of the women should be low cut we shall escape the summer beat of Hew York I did not see bow ft was possible to give 'you a holiday best mye will make this trip an eaten OU Gusher fp Wyomlng Meetee*tse WyxJan The Wy oming Oil and Development Company composed of Chicago capitalists has struck a flowing oil well at a depth of 700 feet in the Bonanza field This Is the first gusher in the Big Horn basin Mn Annual Report TeHs of Improvements That Are Planned DYING WOMAN ADMITS A CRIME Confession Clears Mystery Surround ing Murder at Rockbridge III Springfield Hi Jan 11 Mrs Nancy Brown of Waco Tex made a deathbed confession recently of the murder of Jacob Kelley in his drug store at Rockbridge 111 Sept 11 1885 This confession raises the veil of mystery surrounding a crime that perplexed officers for a number of months before the search for he mur derer was abandoned The killing created a sensation at the time the druggist being found dead in his store late at night with two bullet holes in his head Crew of Wrecked yesseT Barely Ea cape Starving to Deaths Philadelphia Pa' Jan Shi wreckod tn a gale off Cape Hatteras and finally landed on a dtemnj shorty where hunger drove him to eat cat weat was the experience which Charles Smith" ssMbr waa receatlj compelled to endure Smith had three riba broken and hfit feet and bands TMea asci is now wetvenau Mai Coffee Growers Convene 'San' Juan Jan The biggest convention of coffee planters ever held In Porto Rico closed here Nineteen towns are represented The bankers of the island Lacking the move ment to raise 940000 for pushing local coffee interests Six Are Killed Tn Explosion Huntington VT Ya Jan A dy namite explosion occurred near Ct vHletn Wayne county while a auar ber oL etnployes on the Norfolk Western wore at'iaadjeoa SU men ere killed and lp jurea rib Hie Chinese to ight British London The Shanghai cor respondent of the Dally paiLseye that a Chinese reeldenc of Lbassa is ral Ing troopajn the' province of Szechu an prservagf aatthe British ad MITCHELL SPEAKS OR UNiON LABELED GOODS 1 111 11 Mineworkers President' Says the Halt 'Marie Stands for Best Grade That Can Be Manufactured tf: Indianapolis Ind Jan At a la bor meeting here John Mitchell urged the necessity of purchasing only union labeled goods and stated that he rep resented a union of over 500000 mem bers There was not a stronger union in existence than the Miners union and there was not another union whose memberswere so persistent in demanding union made goods "We demand union labeled said Mitchell "because we believe thdy stand for more than the mere fact that they were made by union work men We believe that they are the very best goods that can be bought They may cost a little more but they are cheaper in the long run because they are made 'by the best' skilled workmen the employers are organis ing We as unionist demand union label goods Let the employers and nonunionists demand nonunion goods and they may have them We don't want The meeting although in I he form of a smoker was an open meeting at which the fight of the Sawsmiths' union against HenrV Disston tt Son of Philadelphia was dlsctissed at length The of the country are or ganizing into strong unions but so far the works in this city are the only manufacturers of saws to recognize the union Mitchell called on the use only union lab led saws saying if this was done ne plant tere would have to be' increased many folds YriiU anxebi whteptr: "All ta 8uL Beat to Naw Orkaana Ttnw Damacmt Is'e (The pertlara was drawn aalda and a girl I ah figure appeared abredA I believe we took a fteediib delight in jOumerelfttlly knocking those of itnr to pieces I had quite a nice little jtfla of stories snugly stored tn one dt my trunks sent four or five cd them to publish er Two or three times they came baek I redirected them te other magezlnra Now Charlie don't eaU me a fraud and took teemdutoua 'To without an exception tbe Revolutionists Bombard Santo Domingo Striking Ameri can Consulate VVonlart thou' Uty yasUnBay tow UWXVCU JTMAL rCSLAMW i Thy hateyon days la thaa noaa afore Children Pour Oil on ire Newcastle? Pi Jan Ono child dead two possiblyfatally injured and two others burned tn a fire hare esuklag from an exgtoeion of kero trouDie a man love and money vain eno Shoots at Woman Publisher Denver Colo Jan Mrs An thony formerly of Kansas and New York now publishing Polly weekly was called to the door of her home by a man who fired' two shots at her without effect Become Commander in Chief of Con federate Association New Orleans La Jan 11 In a gen eral order issued by LleuL Gen Ste phen Lee commander of the Ten nessee department United Confederate Veterans Genera) Lee assumes the office of commander in chief of the United Confederate Veterans' associa tion made vacant by the death of Gem John Gordon In his order GenarfT Lee states that the staff of the late commander tn chief Is couHntied as the staff of the present commanding geu I Pork Jan May fi Jan My July i Jan May July i nac vwionA coming aramA asiuwing you to Detmontou'S IsUrcmid aA a Ax2W La rsiMtr un neaL little hands 1 than' i banquetsurfed by the a A i Am a uk navB Btva taraeunnM your good luck and I kuqw be I can thank you sufficiently forlb genua spirit tn which you have to the rescue of a common? last I think I iay the turned Barry Drrineuan of mine at Yale came Into tha Stndld thia morning with afriend of his Us arg looking for rlctuiwa to fidoru th wails of hla newly tumbibad fcoeso My dear he is wise in hto gcucraxlaa' Jureau of Statistics Makes Public Some Interesting igures The from Pontiac business houses Is justified by its circulation In tuiiuou nwiica wan to invest a rabutou num to works of Old master Which were per naps parlous He parch? me a geaennu i my Iqrd 'HowMrltfxib Tries to Hasten ire In Stove That Contains Live Coala Newton Ill" Jan 11 Miss Julia Laugel aged 28 years was burned to death at her home tn St Marie by an explosion of coal oil wnich she was pourlngfrom a can In an effort to light afire There were live coals tn the stove which Ignited the fluid en veloping her clothing and burning her beyond recognition befdre visitors In an adjoining room could render assis tance The building was saved from tbe flames by heroic efforts Mtss Laugel was a noted worker In the Catholic church and a leadenin the so cial circles of the town ousiMsMacf ttafM Mtotj Marllasr i lwin well lingrMoUdMll home Is proof therewl Guty of Mapslaughter Shelbyville Jan ll The jury returned a verdlt'M "'daughter gainst Ola Pdwers were pro cured a warrant for Wlllia Wells on Oct 10 and returned to assist the constable In making the arrest Weil came to ariand on the Interurban car and when be was tnet by the constable and Powers be started to rum Power twice and Well (ell mortally wounded and died next morning "Thought I wou i but do the best 1 tould You laugh sir but I had a uhall mountainon my mind lying awake at night de vising means to make a Joint last along as pusxllng my brain tc turn it Into all sorts of strange dUhev i to cover its identity" You may have light heart dear 1 hare not run into i debt over housekeeping expenses Th butcher the baker and all the tribethat supply our wants have been i paid "But I had come to the end of my resources until well never mind! 1 will toll you that In it right place Ton were' always generous with my pocket money slyly replenishing my pocketbook that made a nest egg to work bn 'Then to use nn expression 4 of yourd I reeorted to my I wrote to one of those oon earns that' advertise to wait on you at your residence They did" not give ime anything like I expected for aoms really handsome Jewelry that belong ed to my "That is how pawnbrokers get nc enormously rich they give a third or less of "the value hoping th article win never be redeemed" "happy inspiration seized she continued was at school lot of girts want In for writing stories I at least had no thought of having my effusion' published though some of the girls are maid ng a name 'for themselves and I suppose ar coining money We were trn and i exacting critics never failing to tearone choicest production' to November Statement I Considerably Better Than for the Preceding Month Showing Increase jfew Jan IL Although gross earnings cf the Illinois Central' rall roa elf or November fell 92357D3 befo thoso reported for October which was the banner month of the system they are still among the best ever shown by the road Part of thefalling Toff a compared with October la due to the fact that the preceding month con tained one more day but even allow ing for was still relative ly better as7 was the case also with Southern railway and other roads do ings a large portion of their bualnes in' the south In the matter of net earnings the November statement is considerably better than that for the preceding month showing an increase of 9133 135 while October showed a decrease of 9123041 This In" Oct ter was the result of heavy expendi tures In connection with the com pletion of a large Amount' of better ment work which it was thought desir able to finish up and get out of the wqy before the winter set in KHIe Tw With Shotgun "Corry Pa Jan 11 At Blue Bye eight mile from this city Pearl Spar ling ged 13 years while playing Col dier witb her brother nnd two slsters discharged a shotgun in their face killing two The father had cbme in from a bunting trip and def his load ed gun in A coraer Washington Jah Swiftness in delivery and a greater extension of the postal service than ever before these are the keynoted o't Postmaster eral annual report Al ready the department has harnessed the winds to aidln the' work ur dad Eskimo behind swift reindeer are carrying mail over snowy wastes in Alaska while dark skinned Porto Rican postmen are plodding along their routes through but even greater Improvements are sought May Uss Telephones The department asks for an appro priation to investigate the feasibility of using the telephone in communica ting special delivery letter to those along rural route In New' York the sacks of mail may be sent whirling through pneumatic pipes direct from the postoffice to the car and returned in the same manner The free delivery system Is expand Ing more rapidly than any branch of the service according to the report The estimated for the fis cal year beginning July I for city and rural delivery is 947000000 an amount equal to that expended for the maintenance of the entire postal service in 1884 Rural Routes Increase The departmentcan afford It the re port contends because in the fiscalvear ended June 30 last the gross rev enues were nearly 91500000 in ex cess of the e'stimatgsrfor that year' In tbe same time the rural delivery routes were nearly doubled There were 15119 separate routes tn opera tion on June 30 and the increase dur inglbeliresent year Is expected to be great The report was delayed because of the fraud Investigations The In the opinion of the Post master Generdtl has cleared the ser vice of dishonest employes He says: "This investigation has resulted in a complete reorganization some of the bureaus of tbe department and tt is hoped has eradicated alt dishonest irregular and Triminal practices which the investigation has developed as hating In existence for 'Several yeats" Pension for decrepit employes or those Injured in the service are asked In addition to this the foltowlng rec ommendations are made to Congress Congress earnestly consider propriety of granting an Annuity to railway ppstoffice clerks vhoare per manently disabled in line of'duty or worn out through long faithful serv ice rThat a sum of 9300000 be appro priated to be immediately available for "the purpose of enabling the de partment to continue the installation of additional rural free delivery routes until the end of the present fiscal year' and that Congress authorize an In crease of thirty six in the field force tn connection with rural free delivery Pupih Are fhd SulMvdn Ind Jan 11 Ira loyd Deckard: Pearl and Katherine Important Items'' New at Homs' end Abroad Told In Short Con else ParagraphA WASHINGTON i Congressman Warner starts feu' Chi cago to' up principal headquar tors for his candidacy for governor of JHinois feels sure of victory Jumping of Col Mills over the heads Of TOO officers and making him a brig adier general has caused criticism 'la army circles' Japan has addressed a note' to Rm 1A and la said to demand an answer within' given number of day it is understood the mikado adheres closely to his original demandA Gen Reyes has given up hope of in ducing the United States to asslat Co fombla in regaining PanamA Ho fears bls government srill declare war ear that northwest Canada may be come Americanised' by enormous emi gration from the United States to ex pressed by many men hi the dominloA The report that Japan wlll contlnus negotiations with Russia caused ad vance In English couwxls and easiness of foreign grain market The grder about closing time in the departments upset the working force all over national a piton Missouri Court Holds Trading Checks Are Allowable Jefferson City Mo Jan In a decision handed down by division No 2 of the supreme court the truck store Is declared to be un constitutional This law prohibits cor porations from issuing trade checks to employes The 'case came from Ripley county where the Missouri Tie end Timber Company was convicted bf violating the law The attorney general filed a motion' to transfer the case to the supreme court en banc which was sustained and it will be beard soon A I SHOOTS HEART TO RAGMENTS Mai 1 Killed by Tyafiu "Bloom iagtofi HL Jan? ILA a supposed be' Artaur) CularTof Chagp OdtHed by ClaaA Oh Ob Nellie! whwe arr called Charted Macdonald artist just home from bls studio I will be there in a minute Char Partly the worts been ut ftered when the portiere wa drawnaside and girlish figure appeared 'Hercyes were illumined with love and a 'smile of sweet content playef around the txiraera of her rosy lipa If any cares disturbed the quietude oi her xtotzee her husband never dis cerned them "Why Utile woman how bright yo itookV' I always ibok radiant when i my lord and master deigns to bestoa itbe light' of hto countenance on his ttandmaidP TJiello! what have you been read 'Ing? Some oriental' fantasy? Butseriously methinks I see a bright sparkle in thine eyes By Jove! yon have started me spouttag In rhythm Come and sit on this sofa and make clean confession' "Well fcharile dear I afraid my misdeeds are so small that I shall require but little absolution or som time I have sew tiie donds gathertng on "But sweetheart how cbuld you se 1 them? Am I not always cheerful? flattered myself that I bore a strong resemblance to the merry rrtr" "How can you be so foolish str? Must I again impress upon your mind that love ihas piercing eyes oolish boy I Intuition told me that our prod dni 11 rw jmf Hs was looking for pictures as bo bald he would rather pay a fait TVfm lnvlrSH Wnabs A Arrested on Briber Charge Jefferson City fcio Jin Lee Trueblood who refused to testify fot the state at the trial of Prosecuting Attorney Stone on the charge of bribery was arrested at ulton on an information charging him with having tendered a bribe to Stone PONTIAC ILLINOIS MONDAY ATERNOON ANUABY I1J10O4 NEW YORK ire under stock exchange sidewalk fused hundreds of telegraph cables and the Western Union Serv ice The wires to the produce cotton and coffee exchanges were cut off Weber ields have been sued for 950000 damages by Mme man ager who charges libel Grover Cleveland discussing Judge Parker candidacy for Democratic nomination say he once offered to make Parker second assistant post master general DOMESTIC Mrs A' Sanderson of New York who paid 3jio6 for one set of the au of tbe works' of Theo dore RoCSevelt claims fraud because experts say books are worth only 25 Bryan home from Europe op poses building up tbe navy He wants the United State to be so good thi It will not need protection from foreign powera ifty two persons perished by sink ing of the steamer Clallam near 8m! Island off Victoria Many en were among the drowned Secretary Root speaking fc dent Roosevelt denies Qen' story that Gen Wood was tn ri at the battle of San" Jtiah Roosevelt had admitted it In couver satlom Gen Gordon last of great confederate commanders is dead Senator Reed Smoot In reply to charges made against him declares he is not a polygamist and has taken no oath which Interferes with allegiance Richard Olney is favored for presi dent tn resolutions adopted by the Massachusetts Democratic State con mlttee CHICAGO Gross violations of the city ordin ances Chicago revealed by witness tn the Inquest over the Iroquois disaster There were no ventilators no sprinklers RO fire apparatus no alarm box no exit signs a The new theater ordinance to near! completed It requires steel fire cur tains and sprinklers and other strin gent safety devices including red Bahts over alb exits halls lecture rooms concert room and churches were declared to be frequently overcrowded by Prin cipal Lawrence at the mem orial meeting Relatives of the Iroquois victims will form g' permanent organization to prosecute men responsible for loss of life in the fir a Washington Jan 11 The bureaurof statistics has issued a statement of the area population commerce reve nue expenditures rency and stocks of money oL the principal countries statement Includes colonies for which statlsttcs of com merce and the other conditions men tioned' are available The statement affords a 'summaryof financial and commercial conditions throughout the civilized world Tbe population of the countries and colonies Included is given at 1487159 000 and their area at 40701936 square miles The figure of popula tion suggests an of 1600000 000 as the approximate total of the population Revenucs of Nation Total jevecues for tbe latest avail able date is set down at 97854901000 and expenditures at 97939540000 Ex penditures of governments therefore exceed revenues by 485639000 Total Indebtedness "i fclven at' 934389 604 970 'The interest charge" on all the public debt of all the countries named is placed at' 91416397448 The stocks of money tn the coun tries named are stated at 000 or in" round terms twelve billions of dollars but in this statement the value of the monetary stock of silver standard countries has not been ehanged to conform to the decline in stiver values Themonetary stock of Mexico and other countries where the Mexican dollar circulates is given in terms of Mexican dollars Of this to tal of twelve billions of dollars rep resenting the total stocks of money in the countries in question 95355000 000 Is stated as gold 3680700000 as stiver and 92963600000 as uncovered Paper xt Britain Is Largest Importer 4 The largest imports of any single nation are those of the united king dom 92571416000 Germany second 91340178000 the United States third 91025719000 the Netherlands fourth 9867308000 and rance fifth 9848046000 Tbe per capita imports are stated in the order of magnitude per capita: The Netherlands 916220 New Zealand 97298 Belgium 96562 Switzerland 95489 the united king dom 91 28 commonwealth of Aus tralia 95474 the imports' of the United States are given at 1276 per capita The per capita exports are: The Netherlands 913708 New Zea land 97958 commonwealth of Aus tralia 95474 Belgium 95355 Swlts erland 95028 those of the lintted States are given at 91? 2 per capItA These figures like the others of com merce quoted relate to domestic ex ports only Gold la Standard Gold is stated as the standard of cur rency In all of the countries named except BoUvIa Guatemala Honduras Nicaragua San Salvador China rench East Indies Mexico Paraguay and'certaln German colonies These ten countries whose standard rt cur rency Is given as silver show total commerce of 9531194000 out of a total commerce of 922000000000 or slight ly less than 3 per cent bf the grand total In the statement of indebtedness of the various countries the totals by countries 1n the order of their mag nitude are: rance 5856312892 united kingdom 93885166333 Russia 93333938388: Italy 2560605000 1 Spain 2061389972 Austria Hun gary 12790247 British Indta 1 102906199 commonwealth of Austra lia 9104719629 Debts of Varleus SfateA The debt of the United States is stated at 925011697 The Indebted ness of tbe German empire is given at 969849400 and of the German states '92687621000 t' European count rance the'1 un'ted klng 4oUL Germany Italy and Spain show an aggregate indebtedness ofover 817 900000000 thus forming one half of the total indebtedness of the world The per capita debt as stated In the order of magnitude is: 'New Zealand M2711 877 79 816031 Uruguay 813L81 Honduras 12419 100 08: united kingdom 5259 Neth erlands 86 62 Belgium 8128 Italy 87885 The debt of th United State is given at ill 51 per capita SAILORS ORGED TO EAT CATS Outline of Business to Come Before Both House This Week Washington Jan? At Monday's session the senate will resume consid eration of the Penrose and Carmack resolutions for an Investigation of Ir regularities in the postoffle depart ment" The nomination of Buchanan to be minister to Panama remains unactet) on and discussion ot 'it wilt be resumed at the next execu tive session Senator Lodge of thecommittee on foreign relations ba given notive of bls Intention to move' to lay on 'the table Senator motion to reconsider the vote by which Mr nomination was confirmed Other questions expected to be taken up include a bill providing for a forest reserve In the southern Appalachian mountain and the reso lution pertaining to good roads There wlll be speeches on thn 'resolutions pertaining to' the eaual questions Sea atcr Cullom expects to report the Pan ama canal treaty after the regular meeting of the senate committee on foreign relations next Wednesday The Republican Meaders will try to keep it before thcCsenate constantlyto the exclusion of all other business The bouse during the present week pass the legislative executive and judicial appropriation bills The deficiency bill will be reported to the house the last 'of this week or the first of next There are a few minor measure ripe for acilon which wilt be taken up froth time to time Marshal Ames Is Uneasy Washington Jan Marshal Ames has come to Washington Heays be 1 here on routlne business Shut it Is rumored that the summary 7 removal of Gen Thomas appraiser' at Chicago baa caused Mr Ames to come "to make inquiry concerntag bls ten tire' Satar as known there li no dis position to disturb bitn'tle has "the gX' support of Senbtor CtHloEa whq it EIGHTH YEAB NO 95 thrrMui i' nteot You arS glorified tefiecttalr beams by belng yoUr Joriag 4BuL Nellie we hsv been Onates ragged edge volcana fotV aomeimonths I havs ifoffsred tbe tor meats of the Inferno Tor that apo of not very flattering to your A'jSS prejty face and engaging way but we will let it pans You were awjr of the fact that 'hadn't much money when we burnt Inceneo together at ths shrine of Hymen like all lover art by my pictures not being nnmer etfuiiy skied ta the salon I Imagined the stream of Pactotus would flow our way with fraught but gentie ripples tn my arrogance or let me modify the' expression by saying for tbe love of mine art I wwuld not ooedea cend to palnt pot boiler for grasping dealers therefore I found mysetf ta a state of collapse Inspiration seemed to leave me even my historical Mint ing which I still hope may bang ta the academy was at a standstill I was too extravagant In furnishing our bridal nest and my atelier I do like to have around me pretty things It is conduct to higher work But thank the powers I pi fnr ararvthinn: it was for us as I was enabled tbs though at ruinbua rate of interest I mmt eonfess 'What seemed such hard luck" was to have a lot ofgood material on hand and vanity apart I felt it to be above the medi ocre which represaoted eolid cash but edald And Ho market tor my wares Duns debts and difficult! tA0 u0IBOfUI 5 vf UBV eunious mortals stared me ta ths fees Only yesterday I received a note In forming me that the Interest on the loan on our goods and chattels would fall due next week if ths amount was not forthcoming they would bs wader the painful necessity? of levying on ths furniture eta "Thank guodnsw darling that the dark clouds are rolling away and tbot the flood tide is making It will pot be my fault if I do hot take adviuU tage of IL I havw satisfied mr creditor much to hi' astonishment and dlsgssL Now'ks is qulte willtag to wait tor an Indefinite period for jiis mousy I suppose with the teope Lhat be will get ms in bls claws again Now tor tbs rest of my news That sama frtaadC Devtae's has commissioned me to paint some scenes ta the Tboctsand Islaada and tbe Adtroadaeks your trank and be ready for start Shewed lb tb Kentuckians Involved in Stabbing Af fray Provoked'by a Woman Middletown Jan During a fight here Newton Cole of rench burg Ky and Pickett Motley of Mount Sterling Ky were dangerously stabbed and Oscar Motley of Mount Parks and Gertrude and Jessie Ky nd Josie Miller of UnntrnmArt'K worn urtou1v Ini rt Miss Erline Sineisir tn nomt npr i that the Motley brother reflected on tbe landlady Josie Miller and that Cole then assaulted them Santo Domingo Jan 11 The revo lutionists' continue to shen the city United States legation has ben struck by a shell and the city hail tbe ministry of the Interior Jbe resi dence of John Lyon and many private dwellings have been damaged There were mo fatalities' however It Is reported that the rebel have seized the American schooner Mer curial A man named Pierce an American Entered the city bearing communica tion from Gen" Navarro minister 'of war In tbe Jiminez government to United States Minister Powell The messenger was arres'ted by the gov ernment authorities who took the message from him and sent him back' Asks Intervention In his communication Gen Navarro requested Minister Powell to Inter vene with tbe provisional government but the minister' refuses to treat with tbe general The revolutionists have defeated GenCastillo at San Cristobal captur ing i wo cannon and a considerable quantity of arms and ammunition Many were killed and wounded in a fierce fight Government forces have captured Savana la Mar and Puerto Plata' it Is reported they also have captured an executed Deschamps vice president of the insurgents This re port however lacks confirmation Points to Government Victory There has been a reaction which is favorable to the government In the bast south where the government troops bave captured Gen Casblao With L500 men The government force will now march back to the city having completely destroyed the In arrnv lb the central part of the republi! nearly all of which is noy In the hands of the government is nearly In com plete control in Samana also Three overtures for peace made by the in surgents have been rejected Tbe Dominican schooner which was taking arms to the Insurgents at Ma coris has been captured The rebels are financially crippled Gen Morales acting president has formed a volun teer company something that no oth er president has ever been able to ac complish URGES BETTER POSTAL SERVICE Grief for Dead Twin Brother Leads Young Man to Commit Suicide La Crosse Wis Jan 11 Believing that death would join him with his twin brother who died three years Sgo Arthur Reichert a 19 year old lad his left side to fragments with a heavily loaded shotgun The family was at dinner when the shot attracted their attention Thougff the yonng man had brooded continuously Over the death of his brother no Inti mation of contemplated self destruc tion had been gained by hts relatives His heart was blown out of his body and death was instantaneous OLD RIVER CAPTAIN A SUICIDE WbeaU Open High Low Janu? si May July Sept Jan May July XI7M6 rrjto a a ss TaM nun i LMWAIeVM MWi' ma im Sv 1 jga wa bji is mt iira Tri a totiia I'yy Tir" i 'i i ami hmm nmia" 1 ''i jim i i arnLanKj iHvrw rag an vwxvttr "iwi wuei x' JtiJ 'r' uElnt 4 A 14 1 'i 4 a a 'A a uaKKu a aM xw an aw goal lanra BHBB mTsJIT TTfillM CTCy Tis TE rBie nrt 1 i TOwM MM 1 4 A aP "a TB MBH to own 1 tom I I I I an 11 I Wj1 11 to to i i I I a I II mr i mi ra nrereaHremHnraaamMMraMSSWmcwwmi iiiJHW ia hi "VB J4SB smw I 1 a imi jy vh i ix WbRTJ Rp ttM yi wi i IraM3Ljf 3ET SHI fcr? 5 rvn to atT 'iwMbaiw' om as a bm 3 'WallB jffwBw pT BB 11 Bb9HH fehaaRM W'i rs ig MssShS i ri nrfui iH jLH SLa 1 i dV je 1 Hi 9 sol f3 rB ajx afl Ip njl 0 cL I Ijp 1 to U4e mr troubles bvm ether Jok I am so glad Iean'Bta MW tatonfied to fe a RES! fa I watrimoatal hjvj MayfwwTgstwinAwT ta hand downtite stream ltt'DuKn 7 bos Pbiiadek'bte PaL Maa syjcasswgsusw iw sweetest si a gesren utysr flrsua i pi at 3 411 a 'Prfteltm il struck a Laughl I M3CM Bnammwa i i gemeMS gm iitnmTnir itljiiw raw anAW TttoM1? 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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

Phone: +9665282866296

Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.