Tea Garden Treasure Chase – Week One (2024)

Pogo Games 72 Comments

Tea Garden Treasure Chase – Week One (1)Pogo’s launched another Treasure Chase/Scavenger Hunt event, the Tea Garden. In this Club Pogo-only event, you will decode clues to figure out which games to play and what their challenges are. When you complete the challenges you’ll earn up to to 12 free badges. If you complete them all before the deadline, you can win a pack of power-ups and the animated reward badge below here (awarded at a later date).

This will be a event, with four new “secret” challenges, from now until July 17, 2024. That’s three weeks of scavenger hunt fun!

Tea Garden Treasure Chase – Week One (below)

To Get Started

Follow the clues at the Tea Garden Treasure Chase page. You must visit that page otherwise the badges won’t be offered to you.

If you know what game the clues are referring to, you can play a round and your badge progress will appear at the end of the game. To check your badge progress you need to be in the game and click on the 12 on the right side menu or complete a round. There is no other place or way to check badge progress.

Alternately, you can scroll down and check the comments. You can then just open the games and start playing to ‘activate’ the badges.

Note: the next set of clues will be available on Thursday, July 4.

  • Today, four new secret Challenges will unlock. The Challenges are freely available to all Club Pogo members.
  • Follow the clues from the Treasure Chase page to figure out the games and Challenges.
  • If you’re on the right track, you’ll see your progress revealed in the game as you finish levels. It may take a couple tries to find the right game, or the right goal to complete.
  • Complete the Challenges to win new Badges. Each Badge forms part of the larger picture.
  • To win, you’ll need to finish all four Challenges by 11:59 pm PT on July 17, 2024, completing the picture and unlocking the treasure chest.

This Week’s Clues:

  1. Meter is the measure of success. So match them fast and you’ll feel no stress. Animals gather to live in peace, and combos are best when they increase.
  2. Chasing cards is all part of the story, but diamonds are your ticket to glory. Home is a place that’s full of heart, but diamonds are where you should start.
  3. Tour the wilds and find. Just remember to keep Pogo on your mind. Pairing animals is often the goal, but match your Pogos to put on a show.
  4. Go to where sweets tempt the eyes. Your wins are the real prize. If you’re craving sweets, head to town. Victories will earn you a crown.

Spoiler Alert! This Week’s Challenges:

Tea Garden Treasure Chase – Week One (2)
Sweet Tooth Town – Tea Garden 1 Badge
Win 50 games before the event ends.
Tea Garden Treasure Chase – Week One (3) 400 Pogis
( / Badge Guide)

Tea Garden Treasure Chase – Week One (4)
Mahjong Sanctuary – Tea Garden 2 Badge
Fill the Combo Meter to X3 240 times before the event ends.
Tea Garden Treasure Chase – Week One (5) 400 Pogis
( / Badge Guide)

Tea Garden Treasure Chase – Week One (6)
Solitaire Home Story – Tea Garden 3 Badge
Clear 300 diamond cards before the event ends.
Tea Garden Treasure Chase – Week One (7) 400 Pogis

Tea Garden Treasure Chase – Week One (8)
Mahjong Safari HD – Tea Garden 4 Badge
Match 80 pairs of Pogo tiles before the event ends.
Tea Garden Treasure Chase – Week One (9) 400 Pogis

Note: you must click on the Tea Garden page before attempting these challenges so the badges will become available to you in-game.

Helpful Info

If you are not getting credit for the challenges and are sure you are playing the correct games, you may need to (re)visit the Tea Garden Treasure Chase page before trying to get credit again.

Are you participating in the Tea Garden? What tips can you share about this week’s badges? Leave a comment below.

Previous: Sweet Tooth Town: Cross-Country Tour Event

Next: Today in Pogo: June 27, 2024

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  1. R says

    #3 – Tour the wilds and find. Just remember to keep Pogo on your mind. Pairing animals is often the goal, but match your Pogos to put on a show.

    Mahjong Safari HD
    Match 80 pairs of Pogo tiles before the event ends.

    Reply to this Comment

    • Qmaurine says

      Always click on “new game” until you get a game with 58, 60, or 62 matches!! Because there is only ONE pair of Pogo tiles per game-no matter how many matches.

      Reply to this Comment

      • Qmaurine says

        WELL, I forgot about the fact you need to match the 2 tiles and not complete the game. SO, new suggestion–click on new game until tiles are easily matched.

        Reply to this Comment

        • RyzandShyn says

          Much easier – Play MS on EASY – you can usually easily match the POGO tiles, or match the STAR tiles so you can get a long line power-up and use that to match the POGO tiles. Then click new game.

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  2. TexasTornado says

    other 2 are sanctuary get 3x combo 240 times & solitaire home story match 300 diamond cards

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  3. mtl33avs says

    #2 is Solitaire Home Story….clear 300 diamond cards

    Reply to this Comment

    • Cathy says

      It shows Solitaire Home Story as number 3, number 2 is missing. So far I have Sweet Tooth Town, Mahjong Safari HD and Solitaire Home Story, I’m missing one

      Reply to this Comment

      • charlene selby says

        mahjong sanctuary # 2 fill combo meter x 3– 240 times

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      • monkee1969 says

        Mahjong Sanctuary Get to the meter 3x for 240 times

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      • LINDA S RUCH says

        #2 is Mahjong Sanctuary

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      • jeri pyle says

        Need to no the games for the chase this week please

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    • Qmaurine says

      You do not need to win the hand for the diamonds to count.

      Before I play a game, I make sure to claim gifts. The i-pad looking thing in the lower left corner has “things to do” (the blue ones)–good gifts after a certain number of things done. And the spinner. And the basket looking thing in the lower right has gifts. All of these are refilled many times a day. Have not figured out how many hours but not very many.

      Reply to this Comment

  4. Bety says

    Remember that Mahjong Sanctuary has been announced as game of the month for July.

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    • Cathy Y says

      Thank you I didn’t know Sanctuary was July’s GOM. I just told hubby to stop working on it. I will hold off on the in game event too.

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  5. Cathy Y says

    Will work on them but Home Story isvthe new Garden—Quinns. It was nice to get Bowling the other day.

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  6. Cathy Y says

    I will wait to finish week ones clues until the new constellation is out. I have no hope of finishing this months due to home story.

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    • Pamh3214 says

      I am not a fan of Home Story at all!

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    • Tommi says

      Same here

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    • Toni 5982 says

      I will miss this as well due to home story. I didn’t do the June monthly and now will miss this event as well.

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      • Captiva says

        Me too, I didnt do the monthly either.

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    • Jgs98765 says

      I have a love/hate relationship with Home Story. I would love it if we could just play and not need energy. Weird part is that you can’t even buy energy. I try not to let it get too low, but I wonder if it rebuilds automatically once it is real low.

      Reply to this Comment

      • KernalMike says

        It adds one unit every 15 minutes until it max’s out at 5. The spins and free items sometimes award you more.

        Reply to this Comment

        • Jgs98765 says

          Thanks for this info. Very helpful.

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      • Jeff U says

        I like SHS. I have been maxed out of energy at 998 for a bit now and now seem to get the infinity time prizes or energy wheel spins more often. LOL

        Reply to this Comment

        • Jeff U says

          Sorry for the typo max is at 999

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      • Wineman92 says

        You can buy energy. It’s a terrible value but you can use 900 coins to buy like 5 energies.

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    • Esque says

      You don’t have to win the game, you only have to clear diamond cards. Just go in sporadically and you can get it done with the amount of time this event is. Good luck!

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      • Sharon says

        Seems to me you have to win the game.

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  7. Zhao says

    The requirements to get these badges are ridiculous

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    • patray says

      Could not have said it better Zhao. Oh how I long for the original POGO.

      Reply to this Comment

    • Wineman92 says

      I’m confused by your comment. Sweet Tooth Town can be completed in an hour or less if you play level 1 (I think some people can probably finish it in 10-15 minutes). Mahjong Sanctuary can be completed in similar time frame if you play level 1. Mahjong Safari could take awhile if you play the game to win until the end. But as another player pointed out if you just go in and match the two tiles needed it also can be completed in an hour or less. And Solitaire Home Story will take more overall time so you can allow energy to rebuild. But actual game play probably will be about the same an hour or less of actually playing the game. So 4 hours or less to win 4 badges doesn’t seem ridiculous.

      Reply to this Comment

      • Sal says

        HSH energy doesn’t “max out. I have 75 and 211 on my two accounts and Jeff reported above that he has 998. Duplicate rewards to build up supply.

        Reply to this Comment

        • theshroad says

          I don’t understand – how do you build up your energy? I get 5 when it’s full and may get a couple more in gifts. Then sometimes I get a certain amount of time but it starts counting down immediately and once that amount of time (15 min for instance), it’s gone – even if you don’t play, that time doesn’t stay. I’m confused; what am I missing?

          Reply to this Comment

          • Sal says

            theshroad, When you complete a chapter, Duplicate before opening the gift box containing the Rewards. Win on the dup tab and open the box to get the rewards. Return to First tab. Quit the game and Restart to see your results and your Reward will still be there to repeat the process again.

      • kiron lobes says

        i think 4 games a min is about average time excluding the reloading on level 1

        Reply to this Comment

    • Randi M says

      I thoroughly agree. Seems like this has become the new normal, as if these insane requirements will keep us from noticing the lack of new games or even fresh ideas.

      If I even had the luxury of free time to meet these ridiculous requirements, I sure would rather spend it on something other than POGO. Maybe once upon a time the badges meant something, but they don’t anymore, and where trying to obtain them used to be fun, now it just feels like work.

      Reply to this Comment

  8. winecoolermen says

    Solitaire Home is not happening in this house . Slowest game in the world . Plus I am in the process of moving . So I don’t have time to sit around and wait for 300 diamonds to show up.
    Happy Trails to you all and Good Luck Stay Safe out there

    Reply to this Comment

    • RyzandShyn says

      Good Luck with the move! I can’t think of any of the chores we all have to go through in life that I despise more than moving. I’ve done it a bunch of times, I’m very good at, I’m always pleased with the results, but what a pain!

      Reply to this Comment

  9. Brenda M. says

    You do not have to finish the whole game in Safari, just collect the Blue Pogo Tiles and hit new game.

    Reply to this Comment

    • Randi M says

      But 80 times? Too excessive IMHO. 40 would be too many.

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  10. brat 794684 says

    Count me out of this one….stuck on SHS so will not waist my time on any of the others…….Mary

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  11. MarigoldSnowfire says

    I must be an oddball because I love Solitaire Home Story! 🙂 I love Solitaire and I think it’s fun to design the house.

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  12. Christine says

    No credit for Solitaire Home. Badge not showing up. Figures.

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    • Kathy says

      in the right hand corner of the game there is a gear click on that and click the last gear listed.and end the game and badge will slow up or credit

      Reply to this Comment

      • Christine says

        You have to win to get credit. Someone posted wrong info. Passing on it but Ty for trying to be helpful.

        Reply to this Comment

        • Bety says

          Yes you can get credit without winning BUT you must exit in a specific way. After hitting “end game” you must click on the “X” of the next pop-up displayed. Sometimes that pop-up is to start a new game and sometimes it suggests using boosters.

          Reply to this Comment

          • Bety says

            oops! I should have said “give up” instead of “end game” but I always think “end game” because give up sounds so negative.

          • noattentionsp says

            correct, i have been on level 13 by choice for months, and i still get every badge for number of cards and streaks. i just give up, then click the x when it wants me to try again.

          • Sal says

            noattentionsp, Me too. on Levels 14 and 17! No “hard” puzzles. Just fun. Does take some time. Diamonds only about avg 5-10 per game win or lose.

        • Wineman92 says

          Me three. I just got the treasure Chase badge in SHS and didn’t win a single hand.

          Reply to this Comment

          • Sal says

            Congratulations. It’s just a matter of time. Persistence pays and you don’t need to win to get badge credit but a few hundred games.

  13. kiron lobes says

    wow another home solitaire this month that must the 5-7th,hope they have made us play that game enough and pogo will do some of the games they dont keep plugging

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  14. Carla says

    I don’t play Solitaire Home Story, but I go in and get my pups everyday.

    For Challenges, I use “Phil’s House of Cards” that comes out on the weekends. I will just be playing his levels over and over, the first couple of levels and it has nothing to do with the levels in the regular game.

    He has been a life saver for me in challenges that have come out in this horrid game.
    I know some people enjoy it and that is perfectly fine. Just the way I love Garden Blast, LOL

    Good luck everyone 🙂

    Reply to this Comment

    • Sal says

      You are way ahead of me. No one seems to remember when “Phil’s House of Cards” first appears but surely long after Level 20. But early levels not hard so not complaining.

      Reply to this Comment

      • Carla says

        Yes Sal, I am over I think level 100, not sue how I even got there LOL. And really don’t know at what level Phil’s house of Cards started appearing. Just glad it did!

        Reply to this Comment

        • JayArvee says

          I got Phil’s House at level 40.

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          • Sal says

            Thanks John. I’ll try to remember that. I’m sure it will be useful when I get that far.

          • RyzandShyn says

            JayArvee – winner, winner, chicken dinner! It seems that none of us who use Phil’s House of Cards have been able to answer the (frequent) question of what level we were on when it first appeared on a Saturday. Good for you!

    • bjn says

      what are pups please?

      Reply to this Comment

      • theshroad says

        pups are Power-Ups.

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  15. LINDA S RUCH says

    I need you to help me get started in this game. I feel really stupid. I did Quinn’s but I think I did it before I was supposed to. I don’t understand what the instructions mean. Please help me.

    Reply to this Comment

    • theshroad says

      What game do you need to get started in? To do the Quinn’s for the anniversary badge, you have to go into your messages and accept the gift and activate the challenge.

      Reply to this Comment

    • Moe1497 says

      You’re talking about two completely different things. Quinn’s was a gifted challenge for the 21st anniversary. The Tea Garden Treasure Chase is a “figure out the clues” badge marathon.

      Reply to this Comment

      • LINDA S RUCH says

        I think I got it. The Click 12. and find goals is what I didn’t understand but I hope I figure it out’ Thank you for your help.

        Reply to this Comment

        • Kathy says

          if you look and read above this article you find the answers to the goals or clue for this week

          Reply to this Comment

        • Bety says

          I too don’t get the “Click 12”, but I consider it “click the badge icon” on the right. You can also see your progress if you click “join the chase” from the event banner and hover over the clues shown in the picture there. However, the progress shown there is in percent complete not the number of credits won toward goal.

          Reply to this Comment

  16. pas9156 says

    Home Story is the new Garden Blast. Hate them both so will not finish this one either.

    Reply to this Comment

  17. Captiva says

    I’m not getting credit in Sweet Tooth Town. None at all. I’ve played a ton of games and I don’t have even one credit! What can I do? TIA!

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Tea Garden Treasure Chase – Week One (2024)
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