Paulette Goddard | American Actress, Modern Times, Charlie Chaplin (2024)

American actress


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Also known as: Paulette Remarque, Pauline Marion Goddard Levy

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Paulette Goddard

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Original name:
Pauline Marion Goddard Levy
June 3, 1905, Great Neck, Long Island, N.Y., U.S.
April 23, 1990, Ronco, Switz. (aged 84)
Notable Works:
“The Lady Has Plans”
Notable Family Members:
spouse Burgess Meredith

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Paulette Goddard (born June 3, 1905, Great Neck, Long Island, N.Y., U.S.—died April 23, 1990, Ronco, Switz.) was an American actress known for her spirited persona and for her association with Charlie Chaplin.

Goddard worked as a fashion model in her early teens, and at age 16 she appeared as a chorus girl in the Broadway revue No Foolin’. Within the next four years, she married, divorced, and moved to Hollywood to become a movie star. To that end, she worked as an extra in a number of Hal Roach short comedies and as a chorus girl in several Eddie Cantor movies, including The Kid from Spain (1932). Although still unknown as a performer, she attracted the attention of Charlie Chaplin. They were soon living together and, before she had even starred in a film, Goddard became well known to movie fans as Chaplin’s beautiful companion (there is much uncertainty as to whether they were ever married). For two years Chaplin tutored Goddard in the art of acting, and he displayed the results in his final silent film, Modern Times (1936), in which Goddard portrayed the Gamine, an effervescent female companion to Chaplin’s famous Little Tramp.

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Her performance in that film brought her to the attention of other producers, but her relationship with Chaplin caused her to lose a part that could have changed her career, that of Scarlett O’Hara in Gone with the Wind (1939). Producer David O. Selznick thought she was perfect for the role, but he withdrew his offer when she could not produce a marriage license validating her relationship to Chaplin.

Despite this setback, Goddard did not lack for work. She teamed with Bob Hope for the comedies The Cat and the Canary (1939), The Ghost Breakers (1940), and Nothing but the Truth (1941); she was part of the all-female cast of The Women (1939); and she starred in the drama Hold Back the Dawn (1941). In 1940 she again worked with Chaplin in his first all-talking feature, The Great Dictator (1940), but in 1942 she and Chaplin officially divorced—though it still was not clear they had ever married. Goddard met actor Burgess Meredith while filming Second Chorus (1940) with Fred Astaire. They married in 1944 and divorced in 1949.

Cecil B. DeMille cast her in several films, including Northwest Mounted Police (1940), Reap the Wild Wind (1942), and Unconquered (1947). Her supporting performance as an armed forces nurse in So Proudly We Hail! (1943) earned Goddard her only Oscar nomination.

Though she had been one of the most popular stars of the early 1940s, Goddard was not in demand by the end of the decade. Her final Hollywood film was Charge of the Lancers (1954); thereafter she worked intermittently in television. In 1958 she married novelist Erich Maria Remarque and moved to Switzerland, where she lived as a private citizen. She returned to the screen one more time in 1964 for the Italian production Gli indifferenti (Time of Indifference).

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Paulette Goddard | American Actress, Modern Times, Charlie Chaplin (2024)
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