Naruto Shippuden is one of the most popular anime series in history. It is also one of the longest running anime series, running from 2007 to 2017. Following the original Naruto series, this anime centers around Naruto’s youth and path to becoming the next Hokage. Naruto Shippuden has about 500 episodes, but fortunately about 199 of them are filler (40 percent of the filler for a total of 500 episodes). So if you want to binge-watch Naruto Shippuden, we’ve got you covered with this ultimate filler episode list. This guide will help you avoid filler arcs and get the most out of your anime viewing sessions.
Filler episodes act as a break from the manga’s main narrative (canon story) and can be interesting. But at the same time, most fans find filler episodes unpleasant because they appear in the middle of important arcs and disrupt continuity and the experience. We have listed all the filler episodes that you can enjoy watching, but it is completely up to you whether you want to watch or skip the filler episodes of Naruto Shippuden.
Note: This article only contains Shippuden filler. A complete list of Naruto filler episodes can be found in the linked article. The original Naruto anime series has over 90 filler episodes, or about 40 percent, similar to Shippuden.
What is the story of the anime “NARUTO Shippuden”?
Naruto Shippuden is a direct sequel to the original Naruto (2002-2007) anime series. Thus, the story continues Naruto’s adventures in his youth and his quest to become Hokage (village leader). Naruto Shippuden also features the stories of Sasuke, Kakashi, Sakura, and several other notable supporting characters.
Like its prequels, Naruto Shippuden includes a number of filler episodes and arcs that can be skipped if you want to finish the protagonist’s journey quickly. Below is a list of fillers for Naruto Shippuden.
Naruto Shippuden filler: Skip it or is it worth watching?
Naruto Shippuden (2007-2017) includes approximately 200 filler episodes, listed below. We debated whether some of these filler episodes should be skipped depending on the story arc. But that doesn’t mean you need to watch all the filler episodes we highlight.
All filler episodes marked ” Watch ” are considered to be enjoyable for fans, so if you don’t mind spending some time learning about the supporting characters, they might be worth watching. These episodes are entertaining and explore fun aspects of your favorite characters.
Additionally, in Naruto Shippuden, some of the filler arcs include manga canon at the end or in the middle , connecting with the main plotline, making it difficult to decide. To make it easier to find filler episodes that include manga canon, we’ve marked them as ” bold ” in the list.
That said, check out the complete list of Naruto Shippuden filler episodes here.
filler episode or arc | episode number | Should you watch or skip? |
Twelve guardian ninja techniques | 57-71 | clock |
Appearance of three tails | 90-112 | skip |
Six tails released | 144-151 | clock |
In search of the Fourth Hokage’s legacy | 170-171 | skip |
Past edition: Konoha no Kiseki | 176-196 | clock |
Paradise life on a boat | 223-242 | skip |
sasuke and naruto flashback | 257-260 | skip |
road to cherry blossoms | 271 | skip |
Team Beni – One-shot episode featuring Deidara and Konohamaru | 279-281 | skip |
Helmet Splitter: Jinin Akebino! | 284 | clock |
Scorch style user Sand Pakura! | 285 | clock |
Tsunade and Raikage | 286-287 | skip |
Seven Ninja Swordsmen of Mist | 288-289 | clock |
force | 290-295 | skip |
The Sound 4 | 303-305 | clock |
heart’s eye | 306 | clock |
Hayate and Yugao | 307-308 | skip |
A rank mission: Food fight | 309-310 | skip |
Prologue to the road to becoming a ninja | 311 | Watch (before the movie “NARUTO: The Road to the Ninja”) |
Guy and Lee | 312 | Check it out (if you like Guy and Lee’s dynamic) |
Yota | 313-315 | skip |
Torne | 316-317 | clock |
Hole in the Heart, Another Jinchuriki | 318 | Watching (Killer Bee match) |
the soul that dwells inside the doll | 319 | skip |
Run, my thoughts | 320 | skip |
Flashback of Yahiko, Konan, and Nagato | 347-348 | clock |
Kakashi Dark Side | 349-361 | clock |
naruto vs mecha naruto | 376-377 | skip |
Hinata and Hanabi’s childhood | 389-390 | clock |
New Chuunin Exam | 394-413 | skip |
Team Minato formed | 416-417 | clock |
Naruto + Konohamaru | 422-423 | clock |
Infinite Tsukuyomi | 432-450 | skip |
History of Shinobi | 464-468 | clock |
Scarecrow’s true face revealed (special edition) | 469 | clock |
childhood days | 480-483 | clock |
Naruto Shippuden filler episode total | 199 |
This brings us to the conclusion of the complete Naruto Shippuden filler list. Ultimately, whether you watch or skip filler episodes comes down to personal preference. However, we’ve created this filler guide to help you watch some interesting filler while skipping the uneventful episodes. We hope that the list containing Naruto fillers and One Piece filler arcs will be useful for your anime viewing experience. With that said, please share your favorite Naruto Shippuden episode with us in the comments section below.
How long is Naruto Shippuden without filler?
Basically, Naruto Shippuden contains a total of 500 episodes, of which there are 199 filler episodes. Therefore, excluding the number of filler episodes, there are approximately 301 canonical episodes in the Naruto Shippuden anime series.
What filler should you skip in Naruto Shippuden?
You can skip all the filler in Naruto Shippuden if you want. However, if you want to see some very interesting filler, we have marked it in the list above so you can watch it accordingly.
Can I skip all the Naruto filler?
yes! You can skip all the filler episodes of Naruto without missing out on the main plotlines of the anime. However, I recommend watching some filler episodes like Scarecrow’s face reveal, Killer Bee fight, and Gai and Lee’s training.