Baseball HOF: Name the Team (2024)

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Can you name the team each HOF went into Cooperstown representing?


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' +'

' +'

' +'

' +'

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Quiz is untimed. Quiz plays in practice mode will not be counted towards challenge completion or badge progress.


Hank Aaron*
Grover Alexander
Cap Anson*
Luis Aparicio
Luke Appling
Richie Ashburn
Earl Averill
Frank Baker*
Dave Bancroft
Ernie Banks
Jake Beckley
Johnny Bench
Chief Bender*
Yogi Berra
Wade Boggs
Jim Bottomley
Lou Boudreau
Roger Bresnahan*
George Brett
Lou Brock
Mordecai Brown
Jim Bunning
Jesse Burkett**
Roy Campanella*
Rod Carew
Max Carey
Steve Carlton
Gary Carter*
Orlando Cepeda
Frank Chance
Jack Chesbro
Fred Clarke
John Clarkson*
Roberto Clemente
Ty Cobb
Mickey Cochrane*
Eddie Collins
Jimmy Collins
Earle Combs
Roger Connor*
Stan Coveleski
Sam Crawford
Joe Cronin
Kiki Cuyler
George Davis*
Andre Dawson*
Dizzy Dean
Ed Delahanty
Bill Dickey
Joe Dimaggio
Larry Doby
Bobby Doerr
Don Drysdale
Hugh Duffy*
Dennis Eckersley
Johnny Evers
Buck Ewing*
Red Faber
Bob Feller
Rick Ferrell*
Rollie Fingers
Carlton Fisk
Elmer Flick
Whitey Ford
Nellie Fox
Jimmie Foxx*
Frankie Frisch
Pud Galvin**
Lou Gehrig
Charlie Gehringer
Bob Gibson
Lefty Gomez
Goose Goslin*
Rich 'Goose' Gossage
Hank Greenberg
Burleigh Grimes*
Lefty Grove*
Tony Gwynn
Chick Hafey
Jesse Haines
Billy Hamilton
Gabby Hartnett
Harry Heilmann
Rickey Henderson
Billy Herman
Harry Hooper
Rogers Hornsby
Waite Hoyt
Carl Hubbell*
Catfish Hunter
Reggie Jackson
Travis Jackson*
Ferguson Jenkins
Hugh Jennings**
Walter Johnson*
Addie Joss
Al Kaline
Tim Keefe*
Willie Keeler
George Kell
Joe Kelley**
George Kelly*
King Kelly*
Harmon Killebrew
Ralph Kiner
Chuck Klein
Sandy Koufax
Mickey Mantle
Heinie Manush*
Rabbit Maranville*
Juan Marichal
Rube Marquard*
Eddie Mathews*
Christy Mathewson*
Willie Mays
Bill Mazeroski
Tommy McCarthy*
Willie McCovey
Joe McGinnity*
Bid McPhee*
Joe Medwick
Johnny Mize
Paul Molitor
Joe Morgan
Eddie Murray
Stan Musial
Hal Newhouser
Kid Nichols*
Phil Niekro
Jim O'Rourke*
Mel Ott*
Jim Palmer
Herb Pennock
Tony Perez
Gaylord Perry
Eddie Plank*
Kirby Puckett
Charles Radbourn**
Pee Wee Reese*
Jim Rice
Sam Rice*
Cal Ripken Jr.
Eppa Rixey
Phil Rizzuto
Robin Roberts
Brooks Robinson
Frank Robinson
Jackie Robinson*
Edd Roush
Red Ruffing
Amos Rusie*
Babe Ruth
Nolan Ryan*
Ryne Sandberg
Ray Schalk
Mike Schmidt
Red Schoendienst
Tom Seaver
Joe Sewell
Al Simmons*
George Sisler*
Enos Slaughter
Ozzie Smith
Duke Snider*
Warren Spahn*
Tris Speaker
Willie Stargell
Bruce Sutter
Don Sutton
Bill Terry*
Sam Thompson
Joe Tinker
Pie Traynor
Dazzy Vance*
Arky Vaughan
Rube Waddell*
Honus Wagner
Bobby Wallace*
Ed Walsh
Lloyd Waner
Paul Waner
John Ward*
Mickey Welch*
Zack Wheat*
Hoyt Wilhelm
Billy Williams
Ted Williams
Vic Willis*
Hack Wilson
Dave Winfield
Early Wynn
Carl Yastrzemski
Cy Young
Ross Youngs*
Robin Yount
Baseball HOF: Name the Team (2024)


Who decides what team is in the Baseball Hall of Fame? ›

These decisions used to be solely up to the player, but the Hall now works in conjunction with inductees to determine the club with which he made his greatest impact on the game. Players whose careers spread across multiple clubs can enter without a cap logo, as is the case with 2024 inductee Jim Leyland.

Which baseball team had the most Hall of Famers on it? ›

The New York Yankees have the most Hall of Famers with 27. There are four active MLB teams with no players in the Hall of Fame.

What does Hof mean in MLB? ›

Mike Petriello. @mike_petriello. A Hall of Fame is, almost by definition, a ranking of the best players to ever play the sport.

What is the acronym for Baseball Hall of Fame? ›

Relating to the Hall of Fame:

HOF = Hall of Fame. BBWAA = Baseball Writers Association of America (the body of several hundred writers who vote for the players every year)

Who is the youngest baseball player to go to the Hall of Fame? ›

After playing in only 12 seasons, Koufax became the youngest player inducted to the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1972.

Will Alex Rodriguez ever be in the Hall of Fame? ›

Despite being one of the greatest sluggers in MLB history, Alex Rodriguez is sadly one of the infamous names that may never be inducted into the MLB Hall of Fame. The BBWA takes this honor very seriously, they have already denied it to massive names such as Barry Bonds, Sammy Sosa, and Mark McGwire.

Who is the only DH in the Hall of Fame? ›

In 2022, David Ortiz became the first full-time DH to be elected to the Hall of Fame on his first ballot. Ortiz played 2,028 of his 2,306 career games (88%) at DH.

Who is the unanimous Baseball Hall of Fame inductee? ›

Mariano Rivera was the first player to be elected unanimously; Derek Jeter received the next-highest percentage of votes (99.74%). Greg Maddux received the highest number of votes (555). Rivera was not left off any ballot; Jeter was next, being left off just 1 ballot.

Who is eligible for the Baseball Hall of Fame in 2024? ›

The Hall of Fame Class of 2023, featuring Fred McGriff and Scott Rolen, was inducted on July 23. Debuting on the BBWAA ballot in 2024 are José Bautista, Adrian Beltré, Bartolo Colon, Adrián González, Matt Holliday, Victor Martinez, Joe Mauer, Brandon Phillips, José Reyes, James Shields, Chase Utley and David Wright.

What is the motto of the Baseball Hall of Fame? ›

The Hall's motto is "Preserving History, Honoring Excellence, Connecting Generations".

What does TB stand for in baseball? ›

Total bases refer to the number of bases gained by a batter through his hits. A batter records one total base for a single, two total bases for a double, three total bases for a triple and four total bases for a home run.

Are there any umpires in the Baseball Hall of Fame? ›

The Hall of Fame is comprised of 346 elected members. Included are 273 former major league players, as well as 40 executives/pioneers, 23 managers and 10 umpires.

How are teams selected for the Hall of Fame game? ›

Since 2011, the teams selected to play are associated with at least one notable player in that year's Hall of Fame class.

How is Baseball Hall of Fame decided? ›

A screening committee of baseball writers selects the names to appear on each ballot. There were 26 players on the most recent ballot. Just like all Hall of Fame elections, a player must receive a super majority of 75% of the votes from eligible members of the BBWAA to be elected.

Who picks the Hall of Fame game teams? ›

"The two teams picked for the Hall of Fame Game are picked based on whether they have any Hall of Famers being inducted this year. The Bears have Devin Hester and Steve McMichael being inducted to the Hall this weekend.

What is the criteria to make the Baseball Hall of Fame? ›

Players who are eligible have played 10 seasons of Major League Baseball and have been retired for five full seasons. For example, those players eligible for consideration in 2025 will have played their final game in 2019. Those players eligible for consideration in 2026 will have last played in 2020, etc.

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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.